Artificial Intelligence
Video Mapping and Animations
Exhibition Management System
Manage exposure the way you like it. All the necessary functions in one tool, allowing you to easily develop and control your exhibition.
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A guide on your phone
Choose a quick-to-deploy solution, allowing you to easily expand and update your content
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Gamification of the place
Work with us to create an immersive experience for visitors to your facility that takes them into a gamified world that makes them rediscover the place.
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Virtual training
Choose our training platform to train your employees quickly and effectively.
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Your virtual company
Choose to fully computerise your business and build with us a modern tool that enhances the working experience for you and your employees.
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Grow your business with AI
Use artificial intelligence to develop your business. Find out how much work the tools we have developed can do for you.
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Bring your building to life
Use striking 3D projection to give your building a spectacular look. Let us prepare a spectacle that attracts the crowds.
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An interactive adventure
Work with us to create an interactive network of standalone Escape Rooms that take your customers on an unforgettable adventure, full of immersive experiences.
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- Applications and interactive exhibitions
- Games
- Videomapping and animations
Exhibition about game development
“Roleplay Locations” is an exhibition that functions as part of the permanent exhibition we curated at the Centre for Comics and Interactive Narrative. In 8 different rooms, the visitors can discover the professions of people who are responsible for creating their favourite games. The exhibition was designed so that the visitors can “tangibly” experience each of the professions presented using numerous experiences.
For the exhibition, we developed numerous minigames, which can be accessed via touch screens or specially designed control consoles.
In the Business room, the guests recruit new team members using physical boards controlled by a microcontroller that we programmed for this purpose. In the Concept Art/Story room, the visitors can use synchronised screens to discover the process of writing a game scenario. What the Level Design room can offer is, most of all, impressive multi-project video mapping presenting the elements of the 3D world. The 3D Art and Programming rooms show everything that players can see and feel while playing a given game. This space also features a multiscreen experience entitled “Game Engine”, which allows the guests, in a specially designed game, to find out what the game would look like without one of its key elements. In the Sound room, the visitors can record sound effects or compose the soundtrack for a minigame created for this purpose. The last room is a kind of Easter Egg and is invisible from the classic visitor’s path. Anyone who manages to find this room will see what the room of a game designer, who does not work for a corporation employing millions of employees but represents creators of the so-called indie games, looks like.